Facial Plastic Surgery Centre

Facial Plastic Surgeryhead and neck surgery

Chin Surgery & Chin Implants in Birmingham, London, Manchester & Leicester


Chin Plastic Surgery


  • A well-defined chin plays an important role in maintaining facial proportions and balance. The most commonly reported concerns are often related to a receding/weak chin or alternatively a prominent and rather larger than expected chin.
  • Many mistakenly assume problems of the chin can be addressed merely by using an Implant. There are however several underlying soft or hard tissue anomalies contributing to a chin deformity and the management of each varies.
  • With extensive clinical experience and a practice EXCLUSIVELY DEDICATED TO THE FACE, Mr Mattine provides you with unique expertise and understanding of the various deformities of the chin and can offer you a comprehensive and diverse range of tailored options. These include:

Click here to read an article by Mr Mattine on Chin Surgery.


Is an operation on the chin that uses an osteotomy (cut in the bone) to change the position of the chin in any direction. The chin height, width and shape can be altered using this technique and the fragmented segment can be moved in different direction to achieve the desired shape and size and restore the ideal facial balance and proportions.

Chin Implant

This is a surgical procedure where an implant is used to augment a receding chin and improve chin prominence. Appropriately selected implant can additionally enhance the shape and form of the chin. Mr Mattine has extensive experience with different types of implants, including customized patient-specific implants created from high-resolution CT scans and designed individually for each patient.


Often patients main concerns are related to a cleft chin, referring the presence of a Y-shaped dimple in the middle. Mentoplasty is a procedure where the underlying soft tissue, particularly muscles are refashioned to obliterate this cleft and improve shape and form of the chin.

Chin Reduction

This is particularly applicable to patients with a pointed chin or Witches chin where bony surgery is offered to refashion the contributing deformity and improve chin form and projection.

Facial Fillers

Facial Fillers can be used to enhance facial contour and improve definition of the chin. They are however short lasting and often need to be repeated. They are great in simulating the effects of chin implants before considering the lasting surgical changes of an implant.

Liposculpture (Fat grafting)

This is an alternative technique where receding or weak chin can be augmented using patients own fat and has shown to provide reliable and lasting improvement in the patient’s profile.

As mentioned earlier, Samuel Mattine is an expert in facial procedures, which means he can provide an in-depth consultation to assess your requirements, before suggesting the best course of action when it comes to chin surgery. Whether you need chin implants, a reduction or facial fillers, clients can rest assured that they’re safe in Samuel Mattine’s capable hands. Whether based in Birmingham, Manchester, London, Leicester or further afield, Mr Mattine is able to provide chin surgery to suit your needs and ultimately, improve your self-confidence. Call us today 07585955445 or email [email protected] for more information.

  • Short and relatively safe surgery
  • Dramatic improvement and permanent results
  • Feeling natural to your bone
  • Availability of multiple options material and hence able to customise the desired look

  • Provide immediate improvement
  • Avoids surgery and minimal downtime
  • Safe and effective for most patients
  • Lower up-front cost
  • Effects are short lasting if unsure