Facial Plastic Surgery Centre

Facial Plastic Surgeryhead and neck surgery

Jaw Surgery & Facial Asymmetry Procedures in Birmingham, London, Manchester & Leicester

Jaw Surgery


  • Deformities of the jaws can result in functional problems such as difficulty with speaking, eating, swallowing and breathing. It can also have a considerable impact on facial aesthetics and harmony and in a relatively small group of patients, may result in sleep related disorders and significant life-threatening general health problems.


  • Also called orthognathic surgery, corrects abnormalities of the jaw bones and realigns the jaws and teeth to improve both function and facial cosmesis and appearance. This surgery can treat the large protruding jaw, weak and severely receded chin, or where facial features are poorly balanced, ultimately resulting in improved facial symmetry, harmony and a more pleasing appearance.

Surgery to enhance the Jawline

The pursuit for the ‘golden jawline’ is fast becoming a common desire. Men prefer a more chiselled jawline, while women want delicate yet ‘tight and sharp’ jawlines. 

Different factors such as a combination of the support by the underlying bony framework as well as overlying soft tissue envelope contribute to form and definition of the jawline. Facial changes associated with aging such as increased skin & soft tissue laxity, tissue ptosis, fat deposition and hard tissue loss can individually or in more pronounced cases collectively result in jowls, saggy skin, and poorly defined jawlines. In younger individuals, inadequate bone support and volume due to an underdeveloped jaw can similarly result in an ill-defined and cosmetically unacceptable jawline.

There are different procedures that can enhance the jawline, and each should be individualised according to the specific contributing anomaly and client’s specific needs.

Many so-called cosmetic practitioners offer tightening treatments for the chin and jowls to enhance the jawline. ‘Thread lifts are overblown and fail to create a lasting effect, with many patients experiencing complications and being left unsatisfied. Fillers provide reasonably acceptable short-term results that are often to be repeated. Many of these non-surgical techniques are pricy, temporary, and inadequate in achieving definitive long-term results.

Jawline surgery on the other is relatively permanent and highly effective. This can create a defined and sharpened Jawline and mandibular angle, contour and augment the chin and jawline and restores a more youthful look with an upward lift of the jowls.


Achieving the best outcome usually involves multiple approaches, often at once. These include:
    • Liposuction: This procedure removes fat beneath the skin and refashions the chin and neck contour.
    • Neck-lift: This is to remove excess skin and tighten the deeper suspending structures of the neck and can be done in isolation or in combination with a facelift to achieve more effective outcome. A lower face/neck lift in older patients is still the gold standard.
    • Chin/Jaw Surgery: Receding chin or an under-devolved jaw can similarly result in poorly defined jawline. This is due to a deficiency in the underling skeletal framework that is inadequate to support the existing soft tissue. Jaw surgery such as osteotomy or genioplasty or alternatively augmentation with an implant is often needed to enhance the neck contour and appearance in these cases.
    • Buccal fat pad removal can be used in some patients to enhance the overall appearance of the jawlines.
    • Gonial angle reduction is used to shave the prominent and squarish mandibular angles for a slimmer appearance.


Mr Mattine has designed a highly effective technique to specifically treat excess fat and skin in the neck, improve the jawline and create a more defined and youthful looking neck.


Facial Asymmetry 

  • Human face is rarely symmetrical. However, pronounced facial asymmetry where there is an obvious disharmony between the two sides of the face is often considered aesthetically unacceptable and in some cases a sign of an underlying congenital, developmental or acquired anomaly. This could involve any part of the face and may affect both form and function.
  • The degree of acceptance of this malformation will depend largely on the area involved and the perception of the patient’s imbalance. Facial asymmetries are often more pronounced and visible in the lower third of the face.


  • There are several ways to treat facial asymmetry, primarily depending on the nature of the contributing anomaly. The underlying cause could be either soft tissue or hard tissue related and, in some cases, due to a combination of both factors.
Facial Asymmetry
Generally, the available treatment options for Facial Asymmetry are as follows:
Soft Tissue Surgery
  • Fat Grafting
  • Brow Lift
  • Face/Neck lift, Midface Lift
  • Hairline Alteration Surgery
  • Buccal Fat Removal
  • Soft Tissue Transfer for Volume or Support
  • Facial Slings/Support
  • Scar Revision/Soft Tissue Excision
  • Oculoplastic Surgery to alter shape/Cosmesis of the eyes
Hard Tissue Surgery
  • Jaw Surgery
  • Facial Implants
  • Facial Bone Reduction/Shave/Contouring


Non-Surgical Options
  • Botox
  • Fillers
